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What is 'The Lost'?

'The Lost' is a five-minute Lost Boys fan film which shows what it would be like if the Boys aren't the only gang in town. 'The Lost' also fills in a blank left by the original film, and further explores the world of Vampires in 1987. Meet the cast and see promo and behind the scenes pictures in the video below. Watch our short film first, because this video contains [SPOILERS]

Oren Studer as David

Nick Latimer as Marko

Ryan Sundquist as Dwayne

Johnny Bilson as Paul

Sophia Rodes as Star

Ted Rezonov as Bobby

Cheyenne Ewald as Miracall

Savannah Rayne as Dorothy

Find her artwork on TikTok: @thediywitch and Instagram: #thediywitch

Yuna Askam as Yuna

Corwin Medina as Rico

Brittney Everhart (now Boe Medina) as Elise

Nichole Bowers as Hel

© 2022

The Lost: A short Lost Boys fan film.

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